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Archive for July, 2009

Keith : What is considered a safe car from the insurance purpose?
Response : Keith, this is an excellent question. Insurance will consider a car which has high safety standards as safe since this would ensure that the persons would be safe. This is a very vast topic and so for now will touch only on the main features of the car. Many automakers offer safety features beyond the required federal minimums. The following safety features should be considered when purchasing a car:
a)Crashworthiness: Reduce the risk of death and serious injury in case of an accident http://www.highwaysafety.org
b)Vehicle structural design : A good structural design has a strong occupant compartment and front and rear ends are designed to buckle and bend in a crash to absorb the force of the crash. These crush zones should keep damage away from the safety cage because once the cage starts to collapse, the likelihood of injury increases rapidly.
c)Vehicle size and weight : The laws of physics dictate that larger and heavier cars are safer than lighter and smaller ones. Small cars have twice as many occupant deaths each year as large cars. In crashes involving smaller and larger vehicles, heavier vehicles drive lighter ones backwards, decreasing the forces inside the heavier car and increasing them in the lighter car.
These are the basic features which should be kept in mind. Compare cars before buying them and always compare auto insurance and reveiw car insurance once you have a car.

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Maria : I have just started driving and am always worried about the weather conditions-wind and rain. I feel that an accident would increase my auto insurance rate, what can I do?

Response : I can understand your apprehension. Weather conditions like wind and rain pose special challenges for drivers. They can cause accidents and increase your auto insurance rate.The winds and rains in certain areas of our country the USA are very high especially in Florida. If you have a high-profile vehicle such as a trailer or motor home, consider staying off the roads until the winds die down. These vehicles tend to be overtaken by strong gusts of wind, posing real danger for drivers.

The commencement of rain is the most dangerous time to be on the road, as water mixes with road oils and dirt, creating a slick surface. Avoid hydroplaning by slowing down and maintaining traction between your tires and the road surface. Turn on your lights so other drivers can see your vehicle, and use your defroster or air conditioner to improve your visibility.

Severe thunderstorms can spawn tornados and hail. Monitor your radio news station during these conditions. The safest place to be in case of a tornado is outside the car. Pull over and find a ditch or other low-lying area and lie face down to protect yourself from flying debris. In a hailstorm, pull under an overpass or bridge to seek shelter while driving. In a hurricane, head inland to high ground before the storm approaches land.

Following these severe weather driving tips will help you from sliding off the road, having an accident, or suffering even greater damage to yourself and your property in unfavorable weather conditions.


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9 steps for buying cheap auto insurance

Perry : I am looking into buying auto insurance, can you give me some steps?

Reponses : For anything if you do something systematically you will always benefit financially and also save money. Here are the 10 steps which will help you buying auto insurance:
1) Decide on the limits of coverage – first find out the mandatory requirement of your state and still go for higher limits.
2) Check your driving record and current insurance policy. You can check that you have a good record and what are your coverage’s on the policy.
3) Your first objective for auto insurance is to review auto insurance and find the cheap auto insurance quotes. Shop around and find the two lowest quotes.
4) Compare your auto insurance quotes and coverage’s and choice the best quote for yourself.
5) Check the discounts offered by the insurance companies and see if you are eligible for one.
6) Choice the right insurance company – Find out if the insurance company is licensed in your state and has good customer service. Most of them will have that -so do not worry much about this.
7) Call on the insurance company which had the lowest quote and confirm the coverage and ask any questions you had.
8) Cancel your old insurance policy if you have one.
9) Keep on shopping online for insurance quotes since the rates and discounts do change.

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Robert: I was hit by a negligent driver and I was not covered under auto insurance for the car I was driving? What should I do?

Response : If you have been injured by a negligent driver than you can definitely file a suit against the negligent driver for his suit. You will be awarded a benefit depending on the nature of your injury, and in proportion to the amount of fault assigned to the other driver. The other driver can also claim some benefits if some fault is assigned to you if he or any passengers in his vehicle are injured or the vehicle is damaged.

However, you will be penalized for not having an insurance policy depending upon the state laws and provisions, since most states require certain limits for auto insurance which are mandatory. If you are living in a state where insurance or your financial responsibility is allowed than it would work in your favor if you can prove that you can meet the financial responsibility. Since you do not have any insurance you cannot file a claim and so you will have to pay out of your pocket.

Roberta, I strongly recommend that you to have your auto insurance coverage. Please compare auto insurance quotes. Review the car insurance quotes, and coverage’s. I assure you, that you will find cheap auto insurance rate.


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Leena :Why has “no fualt” been introduced?

Response :No fault has been introduced in the Unted States in 13 of the states. However, the threshold of the no fualt is very low at present and is onl $500/- in some states. Also there is no state in the great nation that offer “pure” no fault insurance. The thirteen states that claim to have “no fualt” insurance im allow you to sue at some monetary or verbal threshold. These “modified” no fault plans are better but still leave a lot to be desired in order to accomplish the pure no fault.

Let me explain example, if you are in an accident and you state has a $2000 monetary threshold on you medical bills before you can obtain the right to sue. If you actual medical bills were $1750/-there is nothing stopping you from visiting the doctor again. You can order some more expensive tests and exceeding the limit, and than sue for thousands in pain and suffering. But remember that now some states allow you to sue for pain and suffering only if you are seriously injured.

The reason we need no fault:
1. quicker, more efficient payment of claims,
2. currently we receive around 13 cent of our premium dollar back on actual medical expenses and lost wages,
3. After an accident people can concentrate on rehabitalation and not pretend to be injured to get higher awards.
4. lower insurance rates,
5. less expense on lawyers,
6. no longer have to supplement for uninsured motorists and
7. stop insurance companies from overpaying small claims because of the threat of litigation
I am sure now you have understood this a little better.

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