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No-fault insurance under auto insurance

Jackson (Pennsylvania ) I Have No-Fault Insurance, so I’m not at fault for an accident?

Response : The meaning of a No- fault insurance coverage in an auto insurance policy means that if you are involved in a car accident and you are injured or your vehicle is damaged than you have to deal with your own insurance company, irrespective of the fact whether you or the other driver is at fault. This is to ensure that you will get the financial help from your own insurance company for your injuries or damaged auto, rather than waiting for any decision of who is at fault and settlement from the other insurer.

In US this law differs in each state. Kentucky, New Jersey and Pennsylvania -permit their policy holders to choice between the traditional tort (file a suit against the wrong doer) and no-fault recovery regimes. The policy holders can select “choice” or “optional” no -fault, or “full tort” and “limited tort” (no-fault) In both Kentucky and New Jersey, if no choice is made by the policy holder than no-fault option is given by default. In Pennsylvania if an insured fails to select than the full-tort option is assigned by default. Some states have repelled the no-fault system but Florida has created a new no-fault system as of January 1, 2020.

Compare auto insurance quotes online but be sure to choose the correct option avaliable for “no-fault” depending upon your state.

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James : Can I drive an auto legally without insurance?

It is mandatory to have an auto liability insurance in almost all states. There are financial responsiblity laws that need to be followed. As per the financial responsiblity laws in a state where the liability insurance is not required you need to have sufficent assets to pay for claims if you cause an accident.
In case you have inadequate assets than you need to purchase at least the state minimum required insurance. The insurance would protect your assets and also save you from stress.

It is also advisable to have the optimum limits of insurance. As per the insurance industry and consumer groups generally recommend a minimum of $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 per accident since accidents may cost far more than the minimum limits mandated by most states.

A lender who has financed your car would insist on a comprehensive and collison insurance which is part of the loan agreement. This is to protect their asset which is a car.


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Jerry. Seattle : Are air bags safe? Do insurance companies offer auto insurance discounts for them?

Air bags are life savers and have helped in minimizing the injury to the driver year. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration this is about 30% for drivers and 27% for passengers.

 The insurance companies would offer auto insurance discounts for cars having air-bags and this is a common inbuilt feature of many cars. If the air bag is stolen or it deploys it would be covered by your auto insurance policy provided you have comprehensive car insurance.

However, airbags can cause injury and damage because of the force with which it blows up causing injury to small adults sitting close to the wheel, pregnant ladies or elders or even infants sitting in the rear seat. To prevent this injury, take the following steps:

  • Wear your seat belt. This should be mandatory for all children or adults seating in the back seat also.
  • Infants must be placed in rear-facing car seats and only in the back seat.
  • Adults having a small structure should move back at least 10 inches from airbag cover.

Ensure your and your passengers safety and save car insurance premiums.


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James – Nevada : I just received a non-renewal notice from my company for my car insurance policy? I do not understand this since I have paid my premiums regularly and never been involved in an accident? What should I do?

James, any person with car insurance can find themselves in a similar situation. A non-renewal notice can be given either by you or the insurance company on expiry of the policy. If the insurance company is giving you the notice than the reason for non-renewal are stated and the notice period would depend on the state you live in. You can either call the insurance company customer care division or ask for an explanation of non-renewal. You can also call your state department if you are not satisfied with the response from the insurer.

 Sometimes insurance companies send you the non-renewal notice if they are getting out of the business for the particular class. The non-renewal can also be given if you got involved in drunken driving incidents, bad driving record or high claims and so the risk is higher which the particular company is not underwriting i.e. high risk business which is underwritten in the non-standard or specialty market.

If your policy has not been renewed, you will not necessarily be charged a higher premium at another insurance company. The best course would be to shop online and check out and comapre auto insurance quote available. You would also rceive a higher discount for insuring your policy online.



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Small distractions can lead to grave consequences for yourself and others on the road. This can increase your car insurance tremendously. Here is a recent real example on what pre-occupations when you are driving can lead too.

Deborah Matis-Engle a woman from California was test-messaging on her cell-phone and crashed into a line of stopped vehicles. The vehicle she collided with burst into flames and killed 46-year –old Petra Winn.

On the 3rd April Deborah was sentenced by a judge in Redding, California to six-years in prison. The investigators of the accident found that Deborah was speeding and text messaging when she slammed into the other vehicle. She had paid several bills by cell phone in the moments before the crash and this was the negligence and reason for the crash.

This is only one of the many accidents which is the result of distractions and which is the cause of high auto insurance. Be careful and drive safe to save life.  Surf online and check out for cheap online for quotes. Compare auto insurance quotes and save your hard earned money.

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