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Mark Ling : I like to compare auto insurance quotes online and do get good low auto insurance quotes. Are there any changes in the distracted driving regulations in USA for 2010.

Distracted driving and low auto insurance quotes :
Response : It is nice to know that you compare auto insurance quotes online and are able to obtain low auto insurance quotes. If you try here at compareautoinsurancequote411.com you will be able to get low auto insurance quotes. Yes, you are right about the new driving regulations in USA which will come into effect from Jan 1 2010. You should appreciate that the Insurance companies and the insurance institiute encourage and support the regulations since this will help in minimizing the claims.

Here are the latest news on distracted driving from the Insurance Institutute ” Illinois, Kansas, New Hampshire and Oregon will bring in the new year with new state laws aimed at cracking down on distracted driving, according to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI).

Of the four states with stronger laws regarding cell phone use and texting that take effect Jan. 1, 2010, Oregon goes the farthest by banning the use of hand held devices and texting for all drivers. The new law in Oregon also prohibits people under age 18 from using any type of cell phone while driving.

Illinois is placing new restrictions on hand held devices and bans their use in construction and school zones.

Kansas is implementing a ban on all cell phone use and texting for young drivers who have learner’s permits and intermediate licenses.

New Hampshire is banning texting for all drivers.

“These four states are joining a growing number states and localities that are implementing or strengthening restrictions on cell phone use and texting,” said Robert Passmore, senior director of personal lines for PCI. “In 2009, 17 states implemented or strengthened cell phone and texting laws.”

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that nearly 6,000 people died in 2008 in crashes involving a distracted or inattentive driver, and more than half a million were injured. Research also shows that the worst offenders are the youngest and least experienced drivers: men and women under 20 years of age.

As per the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, there are statewide bans on driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone seven states (California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington) and the District of Columbia.

The use of all cell phones by novice drivers is restricted in 21 states and the District of Columbia.

Text messaging is banned for all drivers in 19 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, novice drivers are banned from texting in nine states (Delaware, Indiana, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas, and West Virginia)

You will agree with me that these regulations will go a long way in reducing auto accidents and hence would give you low auto insurance rates.
Happy 2010.

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Andy Edmonds: I live in New York and was reading your blog on “No fault insurance“, when I decided to compare auto insurance quotes online. Are there any expected changes for this.

Response: As per the latest information received from on 24th November 2009, New York as per the statement of Superintendent James J. Wrynn said that they have made all efforts to stop the abuse of no fault insurance. The cost of each no-fault claim has gone up by more than half in the past five years, and all New Yorkers with auto insurance are paying for this. The department said its fraud investigations bureau received more than 11,000 complaints alleging no-fault fraud this year to date, a 7 percent increase over the total for all of 2008. The number of no-fault arrests in 2008 was 52 percent greater than in 2007.

As per Paul Magaril, regional manager of Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) the New York auto insurance rates are the second highest auto insurance premiums in USA. This is almost 50 percent more than the rest of the country. As per PCI the cost of the no fault system of New York the cost of claims is estimated $1.2 million per day. This is the result of frauds like over-utilization of health system. The medical cost is very high.

The Insurers think it is time to stop the frauds and make some changes which will come into effect from January 1st 2010. The changes would take time to be implemented and passed. However, here are the changes which are porposed :

  • Insurers would also have greater latitude to deny health services that are not provided or are not billed in compliance with the applicable fee schedule.
  • Another provision makes it easier for insurers to suspend all payments for claims submitted by the owner or owners of medical clinics suspected of fraud.
  • The maximum attorney fee would be raised.
  • The main idea behind this is to protect consumers the auto insurance frauds have to be stopped so that the low auto insurance rates are available for the customers.

    I am sure we all would appreciate the changes, in the long run once we get low auto insurance quotes and start saving on car insurance.

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