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Archive for August, 2009

Tony: Is it possible to get cheap car insurance quote?

Response : Tony getting a cheap car insurance quote is something which is very possible. If you have made up your mind to find the cheapest car insurance quote it is very easy in this day and age with the internet. You need to compare auto insurance quote online to find out what suits you and these are free quotes. Getting the cheapest car insurance is a time-consuming process including research and cost comparison. You can just get quotes within matter of minutes.

However, let me tell you another secret which will ensure that you get cheap car insurance quote. Your own drving record, history or habit is the key to cheap auto insurance quote. Getting the cheapest car insurance is possible if you drive safely, take care of your car and keep your driving skills up-to-date.

Driving With Care

If you want to get and maintain the cheapest car insurance available, you must cooperate with the rules of the road for everyone’s protection.

Perhaps the most important rules concern driving while impaired—one of the deadliest behaviors on the road.Getting the cheapest car insurance means never drinking and driving! Only one DUI can raise your rates hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Likewise, driving when you are angry or tired detracts your attention from the road, endangering yourself and everyone around you and causing your insurance rates to go up.

If you begin taking new medication, make sure you understand any possible side effects beforehand. Some may impair your driving ability—with dangerous consequences.

Finally, never eat, drink or talk on a cell phone while driving if you want to obtain and keep the cheapest car insurance. These activities also divert your attention, slow your response time and, in some states, may mean a traffic ticket!


Follow these tips to ensure safest driving and cheapest car insurance rates:

•Plan trips ahead of time, avoiding heavy traffic areas and poor weather conditions whenever possible. Plan the route you will take and your departure time, and allow extra time to arrive safely at your destination.
•Always wear your seat belt—and wear it correctly (over your shoulder and across your lap).
•Stay alert, keeping your eyes on the road at all times.
•Drive at or near the speed limit. Too fast or too slow can be dangerous!
•Keep sufficient distance between yourself and the car in front of you so you can stop quickly without endangering yourself or others.
•Use your turn signals, check your blind spots and be extra careful when approaching intersections.

To find a driver safety class near you, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends calling one of the following programs:

National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course — 800-621-7619

Driving School Association of the Americas, Inc. — 800-270-3722

AARP 55 ALIVE Driver Safety Program — 888-227-7669

AAA Safe Driving for Mature Operators Program — Call your local AAA motor club to find a class near you.

Improving your driving skills and compare auto insurance quote 411 to ensure that you get cheap car insurance quote.

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Prefered Driver and auto insurance rate.

Robert : Who is a prefered driver? Will a preferred driver be entitled to discount?

Response : A “preferred risk driver” is a good driver and by the insurance industry standards generally a preferred driver is :
1.In your mid-twenties or older, offering enough time to establish an exemplary record
2.Free of moving violations or tickets in the past three or more years, depending on where you live and which insurer you choose
3.Superior when it comes to credit scores, with higher ratings than most of your peers
4.Lawful citizens, with no vehicle-related crime convictions
Taking a defensive driving course also improves your chances of obtaining a good driver discount, as it shows your insurance company a willingness to improve your overall driving skills.

If, you’re a good and careful driver who obeys the law, seldom gets ticketed and hasn’t had an accident in years, your cautious nature may just earn you some brownie points when it comes to lowering your insurance rates.

In fact, for good drivers like you, cheap car insurance is the ultimate reward for careful driving. Car insurance companies base premiums partially on past driving experience, a good driving record automatically entitles you to a discount on car insurance rates. The logic is once a careful driver, always a careful driver—at least in your insurer’s eyes. If you have a good driving record when you’re younger, you’ll usually continue that trend as you grow older. That makes you less risk to your insurance company; and they’ll most likely reward you with reduced premiums.

In fact, the better your record when it comes to things like accidents, claims and tickets, the lower your premiums are likely to be—saving you a considerable amount on car insurance.Good drivers ride safely, avoid costly repairs and medical bills, and help protect themselves and others on the road. But one of the greatest benefits comes with preferred driver discounts, an easy route to cheaper car insurance.

If you’re shopping for lower rates on car insurance, let us help. We’ll get you all the discounts you deserve—including those for good drivers—and start you on your way toward great coverage today. Compare auto insurance coverage and check out how much you can save.

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Angela : What Is “Legal Responsibility To Maintain and Use” Your Covered Auto? What happens if a family member dies to the car and car insurance coverage?
Response : “Legal responsibility to maintain and use” refers to coverage to drive the car to repair shops, oil changes, tire dealers, etc. A legal representative using the car for personal use is not permitted. Nor does the policy allow the legal representative to let others drive the car.
The personal auto policy contains overly restrictive coverage limitations that aren’t consistent with what happens in the real world. In practice, when someone dies, it’s common for surviving family members to use the deceased’s car for personal use until the car is sold as part of the estate resolution. Not only does the deceased’s insurer not cover such use, but even the personal auto policies of family members won’t either! Non-owned auto coverage specifically excludes vehicles “furnished or available for your regular use.” Those policies also exclude your legal liability for damage you cause to the deceased’s car under the “care, custody, and control” exclusion.
Who Needs Coverage?
Following a death with no surviving spouse, the following need coverage for the ownership of the deceased’s vehicle until it is sold: the deceased’s estate, the legal representative of the estate, and any possible drivers. If the vehicle is new enough to need collision and comprehensive coverage, the ownership interest of the estate needs to be protected for vehicle damage or theft as well.
This is something which is not know by all persons. Compare your auto insurance coverage and rates constantly and be aware that you can save on auto insurance.

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Ed : My car was recently stolen from my home in Orlanda. How can I prevent the car theft since now I find that my insurance has really gone high.

Response : There are certain cars which can easily be stolen, however, I will go into this information at another time. You have my sincere sympathizes, but thousands of unsuspecting motorists are carjacked every year.

To minimize the danger of being carjacked:
1.Think of saving your life first. Only then, think of your car and what’s in it.
2.If another car bumps your car, stay inside with the windows shut and the door locked and drive to the nearest police or fire station.
3. Don’t stop at isolated pay phones, cash machines or newspaper machines where you could become a carjacking victim.
4.Stay alert to people lurking near or moving toward your parked car.
5. Always keep the windows of your car shut and doors locked, whether you’re in or out of your car.
6.Park only in well-lighted areas.

To prevent your car from being stolen:
1.Keep your registration card in your wallet instead of your glove compartment.
2.Use paint or an indelible marker to put the vehicle identification number (VIN) under the engine hood and trunk lid and on the battery. This number is usually found on the dashboard on the driver’s side of the car.
3.If you have to leave personal property in your car, leave it in the trunk.
4.Keep your car in a garage and lock the garage door.
5.Use a security device like a steering wheel lock or a gear shift column lock.
Now, comming to your high insurance, I would advise you to compare auto insurance quote online – you will suprise the choices and the low rates you get. Check it out.

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Jennifer : I was comparing auto insurance and was wondering if I should purchase an umbrella liability policy?

Response : Let me explain to you this if you are ever sued, your standard homeowners or auto policy will provide you with some liability coverage, paying for judgements against you and your attorney’s fees, up to a limit set in the policy. However, in our litigious society, you may want to have an extra layer of liability protection. That’s what a personal umbrella liability policy provides.

An umbrella policy kicks in when you reach the limit on the underlying liability coverage in a homeowners, renters, condo or auto policy. It will also cover you for things such as libel and slander.

For about $150 to $300 per year you can buy a $1 million personal umbrella liability policy. The next million will cost about $75, and $50 for every million after that.

Because the personal umbrella policy goes into effect after the underlying coverage is exhausted, there are certain limits that usually must be met in order to purchase this coverage. Most insurers will want you to have about $250,000 of liability insurance on your auto policy and $300,000 of liability insurance on your homeowners policy before selling you an umbrella liability policy for $1 million of additional coverage.

Buying an umbrella cover is only after you have the fist auto insurance and home insurance policy. Compare auto insurance quote always for cheap auto insurance rate.

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